IOTA AS-140, 10-16 December 2021 CHAR KUKRI MUKRI NL51iw
Islands on the air – AS-140
We are back and ready for our next dx from an island which was never activated before. It belongs to the AS-140 groups of Island.
– s21rc and s21am
Frequency/band plan
40m | FT8 (Fox) | 7090 | |
40m | SSB Phone | 7120 (5-10up) | |
30m | FT8 (Fox) | ||
20m | FT8 (Fox) | 14,090 | |
20m | SSB Phone | 14,250 (5-10up) | |
17m | FT8 (Fox) | 18,095 | |
15m | FT8 (Fox) | 21,090 | |
15m | SSB Phone | 21,350 (5-10up) | |
12m | FT8 (Fox) | 24925 | |
10m | FT8 (Fox) | 28,090 | |
10m | 28,600 (5-10up) | ||
13cm | SAT SSB Phone | 10,489,700 (5-10up) [or any free spot] 1400-1500z only |
** QRT from 1800z 16th December 2021 **
S21DX operation from Char kukri-mukri island this december
The island is some 400km away from the capital and is situated in the south coastal belt of Bangladesh. There is some limited settlement there, and no electricity. We have selected the remote southern tips of the island for our camp. Though the lack of electricity is a challenge for us but at the same time that is a blessing – less interference.
In Bangladesh there are not many operators who are regular with HF operation, mainly the listening skill is rare. The main operator for this expedition will be S21AM and S21RC. Another op S21D shows interest but not confirmed yet. This will be a small station in a tent, run by battery and backed up by 2KW gasoline generator to top up the batteries and laptops.
We will operate two station (100w), antennas will be one multiband beam, two verticals and 1 multiband inverted V. We will mainly operate SSB voice on 10m, 15m, 20m and some 40m if propagation permits. Why no CW? because we forgot CW. Why no Digital/FT-8? because we hate computers doing the QSO. As we couldn’t manage Bandpass filter and not enough support, we will have only one HF station running with a multiband fan dipole and fan vertical.
Considering propagation and our poor setup (no beam and no Linear) we decided to run FT8 (preferably in Fox/Hound mode).
The main challenges are as only two operator we can not operate the station 24/7 as we need to sleep, eat and do errands. There will be 4 non-ham volunteer to manage the camp, seeing logistics, answering email and posting updates etc.
The only equipment we are looking for is some bandpass filters (20m, 15m, 10m, 40m) , so that we can operate both station simultaneously when there is good propagation.
QSL will be handled by our QSL manager David EB7DX. Please check his website for detail. QSl will be direct or via bureau through EB7DX. Also will be available in LoTW.
PLEASE do not send us QSL to Bangladesh. All QSL goes to EB7DX in Spain.
The initial budget of this dxpedition is set to US $4000.00 to $5000.00, the operators will cover the expenses of transport, food and logistics themselves which is somewhere $2000.00, rest of the fund we are looking for community support. Mainly we need to buy the generator, two batteries, fuel, pipes for the antennas. Also we are looking forward for some Band Pass Filters, we will be able to operate two station simultaneously in this way. Please check the Our Sponsors Tab for detail or talk with our manager David EB7DX.
Support us to activate s21dx
With your support we can operate more days and more QSO. Do not let go this chance to patronize one of the rare station on the band. Click below button to know how you can help us which we appreciate most or make a small donation to fund the expedition through paypal or card.
- 22 December 2021: AS-140 (Char Kukri Mukri) operation is now validated for IOTA credit. LoTW/Clublog is also ok for IOTA credit.
- 19th December 2021: Team safely got back home after a 20+ hours journey through the rivers.
- 16th December 2021: Station QRT from 1800z. Total 5633 QSO logged and uploaded.
- 15 Dec 2021: Logs are being uploaded in LoTW everyday.
- 11 Dec 2021: Logs are being uploaded in Clublog everyday.
- 9 Dec 2021: Team reached at the island. Vertical antenna setup ready, camp setup done. Ready for tomorrow. Test FT8 TX will be at 9 Dec 1800z today.
- 8 December 2021: Update/Photos will be available in facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/s21dx
- 8 December 2021: We will start this evening (1900h) from the capital city. After a 12 hours motor launch journey we will reach the Island BHOLA. From there we will charter a fishing trawler to reach our IOTA island Char Kukri-Mukri. We will reach there around 1400h tomorrow 9th December. Hope to complete the camp/antenna setup by 10th Dec 0000h.
- 5 Dec 2021: 6 band vertical antenna ready, final tweaking will be done on spot at the island, hope the salt water will give us good dx propagation.
- 5 Dec 2021: FAIRS N4USA made a significant contribution. It lessen our burden, thanks guys.
- 4 Dec 2021: Please note 13cm/3cm/SAT QSO are not eligible for IOTA credit. It is ok for VUCC.
- 29 Nov 2021: Received callsign S21DX and operating permission from Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission. Dxpedition date and location has been changed to 10-16 December to be inline with the permission. Exact coordinate/Grid locator will be published soon. We are still AS-140.
- 27 Nov 2021: An internal meeting has been conducted and decided to run only one HF station (multiband fan dipole and multiband 1/4 vertical) and one QO-100 station. Second station can not be run due to not getting any BPF. Voice and FT8 will be done in turns. Frequency and Schedule will be published in few days.
- 27 Nov 2021: Two 80Ah maintenance free battery and one small gasoline generator has been procured . Thanks to Clipperton DX club for supporting.
- 14 Nov 2021: Got approval from Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission for depositing special event callsign charge and fees deposited.
- 6 Nov 2021: F4BKV confirms that Clipperton DX club will assist us buying some staffs – 2 unit 100AH AGM Batteries are checked.
- 17 October 2021: Applied to Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission for Special call sign S21DX.
- 2 October 2021: S21RC is making his QO-100 station, if successful before Dxpedition – we will try to activate QO-100.
- 10 September 2021: We have decided to run FT4/FT8 also. More challenge to charge the laptops for long run.
- 25th March 2021: S21DX IOTA is now qualified for the DXPT. Detail are at https://dxpt.org
- 20th March 2021: Confirmation from Cezar VE3LYC (Operations Manager & Deputy General Manager, Islands on the Air Ltd.) that Manpura is indeed fall under AS-140 groups and comply with the IOTA criteria.
- 20th March 2021: Website launched.
- 19th March 2021: QSL Manager EB7DX has been informed about our plan and he is exited to get us back after so many years.
- 18th March 2021: Email enquiry sent to RSGB IOTA to get confirmation about this island as it is not listed and situated between AS-127 and AS-140.
- 17th March 2021: Initial online meeting done to discuss the modality and date by S21AM, S21RC and S21D.
Supported by
COmmunity support
5P1KZX Michael Möller
YO3IPR Tony Jones
W0RW Paul Signorelli
N6DD Dennis Dinga
PH7PCF Aldert Kwak
AF4Z Don Winn
WA0WOF Key Eyman
W8AKS Martin Bluhm
DD0VU Jans Knoepchen
WB6EWM Richard Clare
JA8UIV Hisashi Fusegawa
AC6MW William Brockhoff
K4KKL Michael Little
N4EFS Rebecca Milligan
DL1ZU Karl-Martin Wieland
W3KX Jack J. Ference
KH6DC Delwyn Ching
W7VS Walter knodle
ZL3CW (F2CW) Jacques Calvo
PA3ANG Johan van Dijk
K1UU Fred Caswell
N4II Edgar Callaway
K4ESE Neill M. Singletary
DK1MAX Max Wild
DL7VZF Reinhard Schwietzke
DM2HK Hartmut Kordus
AD8FD Brian Bathe
N7BT Donald Meyer
K7TM Robert Hallock
N4iQ William Chartier
IS0KEB Marco Petretto
SV3AQT Thanasis Tsiga
OH1O Pekka Ketonen
W6IBU Paul Booth
LX1EA Edmond Mertz
West Street Associates
JO7KMB Mac 熊倉正通
SP2CHY Wojciech Młynarczyk
IZ1HHT Giorgio Guala
N1NK James Spears
KE4KDY Keith Howell
N7RO Richard Moen
KM5TY Gary Raney
KA2MGE Gerry Maira
K5GS Gene Spinelli
W7FN David Schaller
KD6WW Bruce Lee
N7DED Daniel Downing
W4UM Michael Raskin
W4PID Julian R. Hattaway
N7QT Robert Fanfant
- Rabby (S21RC) – Operator
- Manju (S21AM) – Operator
- Omi (HAM, waiting for callsign) – Technical help with power, antenna etc.
- Raka (she) – (Volunteer and spouse of S21RC) – Camp manager, Food.
- Saymon – (Volunteer) – Logistics and supply
- Sakib – (Volunteer) – Logistics and supply
- Rajib – (Volunteer) – Miscellaneous
- Sujana – (Volunteer) – Miscellaneous
i have send 10$ for donation
73’s Fab F4GYM
Thanks OM, well received and thank you for supporting us. Highly appreciated.
Hellow is PY1AX hope cat u in the peliup only 1w look for week sig gud luck fellows 73 namaste
Please be sure to listen for NA Eat coast. We have a very limited openings!
will do. thanks
Sent you guys $10. Hope it helps you stay a little longer. Richard wb6ewm
Donation via PayPal has been transferred. Can you tell when activity is planned via QO-100?
Martin, DL1ZU
Hello Martin, we had some difficulties to get line of sight, finally managed today. Will be active everyday for few hours. Hope to work you soon – S21RC
I am very impressed with the operation of DX-Pedition & IOTA during the severe COVID-19 season.
HL,s hope to become a QSO.
Tnx very much for today’s FT8 QSO! That has made me eligible for Honor Roll.
Ciao, Complimenti per la Spedizione, vi ho effettuato una donazione via PayPal, un saluto a tutto il Team da Marco Petretto IS0KEB The Voice Of Sardinia Island 73!!
i send your donation for your FT8 on S2 TNX
Thanks much for your tremendous efforts in tough conditions. Especially for uploading logs too, very helpful. I know you guys were listening for NA, especially west coast too. Ignore any rude comments, let them go themselves. Will be sending you all a donation. Thanks again. 73 de W6IBU
Thank you for your efforts in difficult conditions. I was surprised to hear you reach the West Coast NA, thrilled to work you, and ecstatic for such a quick confirm in LOTW. Let’s hope you get more days and more contacts. 73 de KA6RWL
Thank you for your effort to serve the Ham community. My respect for your activity in
such a hard environment.
I am happy to reach you on 30m and 40m.
Thank you very much to all to your group
Stay save and a good trip home.
You need CW operators.
Yes – that would be great, unfortunately we do not have any CW operator in S2 🙁 who can join the expedition.
Can you help me get walkie talkie licence
Please check BTRC website for License information.