S21DX IOTA AS-140, 10-16 December 2022

Islands on the air

If you can’t find your log in ClubLog or LoTW, please send detail to our QSL Manager David EB7DX for log checking and correction if required.

Probable Frequency plan (sorry for delay – there is very unreliable internet at site)
40m: 7155 KHz
20m: 14225 KHz
15m: 21265 KHz
10m: 28465 KHz

FT8 (FOX/Hound mode):
160m: 1836 KHz
80m: 3567 KHz
40m: 7056 KHz
30m: 10131 KHz
20m: 14090 KHz
17m: 18095 KHz
15m: 21091 KHz
12m: 24911 KHz
10m: 28091 KHz

This 2022 we are planning to activate AS-140 from “Dhal Char” island [Island may changed due to approval from authority – but it will be AS-140]. Planning Three (3) HF stations and One QO-100 station, Few more better antennas (Beam, 4 Square array, Beverage RX etc). We are planning to use a SSPA for SSB Phone if we can buy a larger (3000VA) generator.

QSL Policy:
Similar to our 2 past IOTA, we will NOT monetize QSL to fund the DX-pedition. Paper QSL will be handled by our good friend David EB7DX who acts as our QSL Manager for last 15+ years. Please check EB7DX website for more detail about QSL service. All QSO log also will be uploaded in LoTW and ClubLog immediately if not during the activation. No need for contribution for LOTW/CLUBLOG confirmation (It’s free) – but your support NOW can help us prepare better which will increase your chance of having a QSO with us in multiple bands.

Antenna firm and Rigs:


  • 2x ICOM HF
  • 1x YAESU HF
  • 1x Homebrew QO-100 SDR


  • Lowband Beverage RX towards NA/JA
  • Loop on ground RX for EU/AS
  • 160m capacitive hat loaded TX vertical.
  • 80m 1/4th GP vertical.
  • 40m 4 square antenna
  • 6 band 2 element HexBeam
  • 20/15/10m Spiderbeam beam
  • 20/17/15m 3 Spiderbeam Beam
  • 3cm Parabolic for QO-100 SAT


  • Station 1: SSB Voice
  • Station 2: SSB Voice with Linear**
  • Station 3: FT8 [Fox/Hound]
  • Station 4: QO-100 UHF SSB Voice

** if we can manage/buy a bigger generator.


  • Rabby S21RC
  • Manju S21AM
  • Dipu S21D
  • Omi – S21OM
  • Shafin S21TG (Can’t go due to work)
  • Zubayer S21BK
  • Mohsinuzzaman S21MK
  • Abir S21IT (Removed from Team)


  • Saidur
  • Robiul (Logistics)


  • Raka YL (Camp Manager)

Budget and Support requirement:
[Update Aug 2022] Due to price hike of everything in the country/Worldwide, budget is now set for 7,000 USD.

The initial estimated budget was set for US $5,200.00, Among these the operators and Volunteers (so far they bare their own transportation and food cost) will provide around $2,000.00, $3000.00 rest of the $ 3,200.00 $4000.00 needed for Boat charter, Aluminum and Glass Fiber Antenna mast, Generator and Fuel and we are looking for contribution from HAM around the world.

Support us to activate s21dx

With your support we can operate more days and more QSO with better antennas. Click below button to know how you can help us which we appreciate most or make a small donation to fund the expedition through paypal or card. (JA station can paypal to fazlay.rabby-at-gmail.com)


  • Any correction please contact our QSL Manager EB7DX.
  • All logs has been uploaded to ClubLog and LoTW.
  • The station started emitting RF from 1800z 09th December (10 December 0000 Local time) and stopped operation on 1800Z 16 December. Completed around 10,000 QSO.
  • Callsign License received from the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) [4 Dec 2022]
  • The third beam antenna (Hexbeam for FT8) is now ready [27 Nov 2022].
  • License fee for S21DX callsign has been deposited with the regulatory body, hope to get the permission letter in few days.
  • Second Spiderbeam has been fabricated for 20/15/10m and now ready.
  • OM Omi finally got his callsign S21OM, welcome to the team.
  • 20/17/15m yagi antenna kit and 18m telescopic mast arrived, Thanks to Spiderbeam GmbH for supporting us.
  • 8 CMC choke has been prepared.
  • 18m Fiber mast arrived from Japan (Thanks JN7FAH)
  • S21IT has joined the team. [26 October 2022]
  • S21MK has joined the team. [24 October 2022]
  • 5 Band Hexbeam Homebrew in process.[24 October 2022]
  • Second spiderbeam yagi on its way – thanks to Spiderbeam for supporting us. [22 Oct 2022]
  • 2x 12m aluminum telescopic mast fabricated locally, now we have 3 such pole – these will be used for 2 spiderbeam yagi and one homebrew hexbeam. [22 Oct 2022]
  • Kensuke Nakajima JN7FAH sending his 18m fiber pole so the 160m antenna can be more efficient compared to our 12m pole. He is also sending us BN73 core for receive antenna. [20 Oct 2022]
  • First 3 band spiderbeam yagi antenna assembled and tested. [8 Oct 2022]
  • S21BK and S21TG has been selected as operator. [3 Sep 2022]
  • 160m LPF filter ready as an extra.
  • 40m 4 Square coupler ready.
  • Kensuki San JN7FAH pursuing us to making an 160m antenna (We will try our best to get active on 160m if all goes well).
  • Franz DF6QV helping us making the Hybrid Coupler for our 40m 4 square antenna.
  • Making a Hybrid coupler for 40m 4 Square antenna is in progress.
  • Bandpass filter for 80/40/30/20/17/15/10m are ready.
  • DXWORLD-E is sending us a SSPA KIT, this SSPA will help us reach further.
  • 4 Telescopic Fiber glass mast shipped by Spiderbeam.
  • 4 Telescopic Fishing poles arrived from China for the VDA support boom. Additional 2 poles in transit.
  • S21AM is cleaning his 3 element Beam antenna, soon it would be cleaned and refitted for testing.
  • Antenna planning done. More than 8 antennas in the list. Fishing poles already ordered from China for making VDA booms.
  • S21RC has applied to authority to buy an IC-7300 rig (yes, buying/importing radio need prior Govt. permission here). – *personal expense.
  • Homebrewed BPF tested for 20m by S21RC, now in the process of making for other bands.


Northern Illinois DX Association

COmmunity support

Thanks to all of you, with your support we managed to run the generator 20 hours every day. This operation consumed around 200L of gasoline.

Gold level support:
JN7FAH – Kensuki Nakajima
KE9L Skip Caswell
W5ABQ Jeff Padgett

Silver level support

W5GAI Skip Cameron
5p1kzx/oz1kzx Michael Möller
Robert Urban
W4PID Richard Hattaway
OZ0J Jørgen Preben Rømming
N5DD Donald Daze
W1KSZ Richard W Solomon
W0RW Paul R Signorelli
W8AKS – Martin Bluhm
WA0WOF Kay Eyman
KG4W Ed Hughes
SM0MLZ Patrik Pihl
K0YQ John Grimm
W2LO Michael Mattes

Community support

W2NWU Douglas Stolarz
K1CP Clif Power
K1UO Lawrence Emery
K4WM Joel Hoag
DG8HJ Jan-Henrik Schulz
W5HVV David Rose
W1JFK Barry Green
WO2C Raymond Barley
DL4DW Frank Schien
Victor Paul
Gerald Woods
Prashant Chaudhary
Frank Thomas Marx
K8SIX Albert Bailey
Carl Erdmann
JE7LHT Koichiro Murata
N4CC Greg Wilson
Jordi Tarrida Subirana
Mark Koehnke
DL2HBX Ulrich Ann
KZ2i Stephen Sullivan
Don Sambol
Hans Peter Alter
Peter Prendergast
VK6APK Aleksandar Petkovic
Jens Zander
Joe Hoffman
K9JN Gary Nachman
Dennis Dinga
Stephen Marks
Steven E Phillips
AA4R William C Parris
DK1MAX Max Wild
AJ9C Michael Kasrich
LA7DFA Per-Einar Dahlen
K3EL David Lloyd
Dan Warren
Thanasis Tsigas
G0OIL David White

Community support

I8LWL Liborio Davino
Stephen Hill
Frederick Kepner
DL1NAX Walter Summ
Rodolphe Schöneburg
Silvio Tortora
Ulf Broman
W9AJ Larry Vehorn
OH1ZK Jussi Kurkilahti
Thomas Frese
Nick Lenn
KK1W James Mullen
John Mitton
K0COM Michaelmike Sell
Curtis Foote
LB5GI Gjermund Bringsvor
KO6LU Robert Frostholm
Anthony K Dodson
KM3T David Pascoe
9K2OD Osama Al-Dashti
Mario Ernesto Libardi
VA3MO Norman Sanger
K1HTV Richard Zwirko
Pasquale Canu
Mitchell Wein
Stefan Pajko
Rolf Zschenker
Klaus Erler
Neill M. Singletary
John Lipscomb
EW3EO Viktar Boika
Stephen Rabinowitz
IZ2USP Nicola Frandoli
Gary Myers
DJ8ES Wolfgang Schneider
K9QJ Dwight Aussieker
OZ1KZX Michael Möller
N6DN Paul St John
DF2GH Hans Braun
Karl-Martin Wieland

Associated with

9 thoughts on “AS140 2022”

  1. Hello!

    I was very excited to learn that you are going to activate an island in November! Islands are GREAT because you can often find a good location where you can beam directly out over the ocean to the east during your moonrise S21 has NEVER before been activated on 6m EME, and I am VERY INTERESTED to set up a Q65 mode sked with you on 6m during your moonrise!

    I have attached a file showing your moonrise periods when we both can see the moon at the same time during November. The days with lowest Degradation (in the middle of the month) are the best days for 6m EME. If you can tell me exactly where you are planning to operate, I can provide more precise moon positions and times for you, but the times shown are for Hatiya Island, and should be very close for any of the nearby islands.

    PSE let me know what power and antenna you are planning to use on 6m, and if you can be QRV any of these times for a 6m sked with me. I look forward to hearing from you!

    MNI TNX and GL! VY 73, Lance

      1. I hope you plan to operate some other than Europe. I live on the East Coast of NC USA and it next to impossible to work you through all the Europeans. Have a safe and successful trip. I hope to work you. KC3X

  2. ali aktaş (TA4RC)

    Hello brothers and sister, I hope work you!
    Good dxpeditions!
    Take care be safe!
    Īśbara āpanākē sāhāyya karuna ēbaṁ āpanākē rakṣā karuna.
    de TA4RC ALi frm TÜRKİYE

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